April 11th is a day to celebrate those furry members of your family! If you have a cat or a dog, it may be a great time to consider pet insurance as well.
According to Statista (https://www.statista.com/statistics/198086/us-household-penetration-rates-for-pet-owning-since-2007/), pet ownership has increased from 2015/2016 to 2017/2018 by 3%. While the trend is generally on an upward climb year-over, so is the amount of money spent in pet industries.
We all want the best for our furry family members, but the cost to keep them happy and healthy can be expensive. That is why pet insurance has become increasingly popular. A new, cloud-based pet insurance has become available to keep our pets covered. The insurance, Figo, allows you to keep your pets wellness at the forefront, without the stress of paying for those costly bills. Customized plans are available, and there are several plans to choose from to determine coverage. Below are the essentials that you should know!
What is Figo Pet Insurance?
A health insurance plan that covers illnesses and injuries of your pet. This includes treatments by veterinarians, ER’s, and specialists.
How does Figo work?
If your pet is sick or injured, you can receive treatment from any licensed veterinarian. You will be reimbursed up to 100% of the veterinary costs.
What does Figo cover?
All illnesses and injuries, including hereditary and congenial, are covered as long as they were not pre-existing conditions.
Stop in or give us a call to chat about Figo pet insurance and if it is right for you and your family!