Have you ever noticed a teal pumpkin on the doorstep of a house where your kids have trick-or-treated? They are probably the ones that gave your child the plastic spider ring or bubbles.

The Teal Pumpkin Project raises awareness for children with allergies who often can eat traditional candy given out during Halloween. This promotes inclusion for all children in Halloween festivities.

An allergy, such as a peanut allergy, can be severe. If a child even comes into contact with a mere Reeses it could spell disaster.

This year, do your part to include all children in Halloween festivities. Put out a teal pumpkin and have non-food related goodies to pass out. Maybe you have a bucket of candy and a bucket of goodies for the child to choose. Offering the non-food option will help more children feel included and enjoy this special evening!

For more information, visit the Teal Pumpkin Project at their website: https://www.foodallergy.org/education-awareness/teal-pumpkin-project